Dear Members of the Association,

As informed last week, the Special Magistrate Meeting took place yesterday. This is the synopsis of what happened:

Al Marrero, from AGC provided an update on the status of the work.
Belinda, Teresa and Betina from the Board where also present. Alex Penelas and Gabriel Cano, from units 503 and 1704 were also present as observers.
Inspector Ibrahim Alvarez appeared. They have letters on file from Engineer showing safe to occupy. He reported that there is a violation and a 40 Year Case. There is a waterproofing permit in final status attached to this violation.
Judge Luckacs: required that the Safe to Occupy letter from Engineer submitted specify that it is regarding this violation and that the open permit for the 40 year repairs fully addresses the violation.
Judge granted 30 days to receive the engineer signed and sealed letter as specified in order to close the violation. Must comply by June 24 or $150 daily fine.
We are already in contact with the Engineer and AG in order to present, ahead of time, the required documentation. Inspector Alvarez from the City of Miami Beach is providing the specific data that he will need so the document comply with his department expectations.

Have a wonderful and rested Memorial Day Weekend!

Best regards,
Belinda Behar, LCAM